On May 17, 2018, our beloved Boo (Jackson) passed away in his home, comforted by his mom, dad, and 3 canine siblings. Boo, a handsome, sturdy basset-lab mix, encompassed the best of both breeds – he could be demanding, playful, gentle, affectionate, and scary strong. He was diagnosed with a cancerous growth on his spleen this past January. He was rushed to the animal hospital, where he had emergency surgery followed by 5 rounds of chemo. Unfortunately, this is a particularly aggressive cancer.
Boo was an owner-surrender with a heartworm from South Carolina. We adopted him in January 2014 and we cannot thank TSBHR enough for treating him back to health. He was the joy of our lives from the day we brought him home, although getting used to living in a house and getting up after 5 AM was a for him challenge at first. Our hearts are broken and we see him everywhere from hunting for rabbits in the yard to asleep on the couch. We love you, Boo. More than you will ever know.
Brian & Josephine Philippi & Tony, Sophia, and Gabe