EmmyLou came to our farm several years ago at the age of twelve or thirteen. I vividly remember our first meeting. She was transported from New Jersey to Boston, where she spent Thanksgiving, then to meet us at a Rest Area off of I-95. She seemed reluctant to come with us.
There was a hint of Past Dark times in her life. But as is usually the case we were left to speculate and draw our own conclusions.
She had a bright and outgoing side at times, especially when she was on a walk with her pack. She had to always be in the lead, and when she tired, she would just stop, turn around and bark for everyone to follow her home.
We were told by one of the Specialized Vets that we brought her to that she could only live a maximum of 6 months. She proved them wrong… she lived well over another year.
Ironically, in an effort to make her more comfortable, what should have been a simple procedure ended up with most likely a medication reaction, leading to her gut wrenching demise.
We will miss Miss Emmy and her spunk.