The Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals that had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….

We would like to honor your loved ones who have crossed the bridge by posting a memorial of them below. Please include a digital photo & a testament to your beloved hound with your submission to the Memorial Form.


We adopted our dear, sweet Molly from Tri-State in 2004, just a few months after buying our first home. The day that I met her at the shelter, I fell in love with her. She nuzzled up to me immediately and lifted her beefy little paw so I could rub her belly. Her favorite activities included eating, sleeping, snuggling, eating, going for walks, going for sniffs, eating, and getting lots of pets. After nearly 8 years filled with love, snuggles and belly rubs, Molly left us on Christmas Day after some respiratory distress. She was the sweetest dog and we miss her and her Basset ways already.

Lori Litchman and Dave Tavani


We adopted Alex along with Jessica from the Tri-State Basset rescue in 2004. Until coming to live with us, he and Jessica lived with a very nice family who took really great care of them but just couldn’t keep them anymore. And John and I were lucky enough to be able to continue that great care for the rest of Alex’s days. Alex turned thirteen in October and had many adventures along the way; the last adventure being our move to New York City. I initially thought this would be a very hard transition for Alex, but it wasn’t at all. I guess you could chalk that up to one of the benefits of dementia. I am certain, in fact, that the move to NYC actually extended Alex’s life because it removed all of those pesky stairs from his environment. But in the end our time together was too short. The last days of Alex’s life were full of (extra) hugs, kisses, snacks, tasty meals, and (very slow and meandering) walks where Alex led the way. Last night John cooked him a steak and rice dinner fit for a king and this morning Alex had steak and eggs with a side of chicken jerky for breakfast. He was a wonderful dog and I will miss him so very, very much.

The Laskas Family


I adopted Flash 3 years ago at one of the Tri State Basset adoptions in Quakertown. I knew she was the one as soon as we walked in the door. She came over and immediately rolled over for belly rubs. When we took her home, she found the sofa and became one of the family. We took walks twice a day and in the afternoon she would greet the kids coming home from school. I called them her “posse”. She came to know all the dogs and cats in the neighborhood. She was very social and treated everyone like her best friend. I was devastated to find lumps on her neck in August. They turned out to be lymphoma. She was gone in 3 weeks. She was only 9. We had too short of time together but I will always remember the days with Flash.

Janice Wilensky


Today I lost my beloved Flounder, who I lovingly called Flo. I adopted her over 2 years ago when she was 12 years old. I knew at the time that I might not have long with her, and even said to myself, as I took her home, that this little old gal would break my heart. But I could not resist her as she was the shiest one of the bunch. She seemed so nervous at the Quakertown facility with the other dogs, that I was immediately drawn to her. One of the rescue workers said she had been passed over because she was so shy. I don’t regret for one minute that I chose her, or that she chose ME, for that matter. There was never a question in my mind that she was the dog I belonged to. My tears as I write this are of no comfort to me, and I feel that these upcoming holidays will be so sad with her loss, but every moment with her was precious, and the hole in my life will be felt for a very long time…..

Danielle Povio


Our Dear Lucy passed away on Sept 3,2011. Lucy came to us from the Tri state Basset rescue along with Isaac B.Hound.I adopted both when I saw Lucy needed a home too. They were both excellent pets.Isaac B. Hound passed away in Oct 2007 the same day as I lost my Mom.He passed away 3 hours before she did and I know they are together and she is spoiling him as much as ever and cooking for him. Lucy was my best friend and everyone loved her,she had so many friends and we would go walking twice a day. I went to the basset picnic in Bridgewater,NJ and saw Isaac needed a home and adopted him and when he was brought to me,Lucy was with him and I asked about her and I adopted her also. Lucy and I were as close as can be.I took her everywhere with me.We would stay up late watching TV and more. I am heart broken to have lost her.She was the best.When I walked in the door she would bring me her toys and show me how she played with her ball and stuffed toys and chew bones. Now I know she is a Basset Angel and is in heaven with Isaac B.Hound her partner. We used to call them Mr&Mrs all the time as they acted like if they were married. He would often tease her and hide her toys and she would get mad at him and then make up of course. (Lucy is pictured on the left and Isaac is on the right).

Pisaniello family


Libby came to us as an adoptee from Tri-State eight years ago. She brought with her a gentleness, love and joy that only a sweet basset can bring. We miss her looks, nudges, wet kisses and tail wagging. Our grandsons said she is the “best dog in the whole world” and yes she was. We will always miss you, good girl.

Rogers Family

Lee Lee

Last night we lost our beloved 14 year old Basset Lee Lee passed away after the vet determined the tumor in her mouth would require major surgery, which due to her age and other health concerns she was not likely to survive. Lee Lee came to us after she was seized by the ASPCA and then handed over to Tri-State after being locked in a basement for 9 years of her life. Although she had a rough life, she brought so much joy into ours. Lee Lee was a fire-cracker, full of spunk and life. She never gave up despite all her medical issues. She would always get up to greet you no matter how sick she was, and not to mention to eat! She loveddddddd food and never let you forget it. We’ll miss our Lee Lee but we’re glad to have gotten the opportunity to give her the life she deserved in her final years. She will be missed by the entire family and neighborhood who have come to know her, as well as our three other dogs at home. We thank Tri-State for bringing Lee Lee into our lives and not giving up on the many senior bassets out there. Heaven has a new angel. R.I.P. Lee Lee 9/28/12


Blossom came to us as a foster for Tri-State. I quickly decided she was in her forever home. She was the sweetest, happiest little fuzzy girl. She went to the bridge far too soon due to complications from Addison’s, just curled up in her bed and fell asleep and never woke. She will always be my little peapod. We miss her greatly.

The Mason pack

Sammy (aka Doodle)

I want to take a moment to thank Tri-State Basset for giving me the BEST little friend I ever had. When I got him 5 yrs ago never did I think he would have been so special to me. He helped us do EVERYTHING! Well today has been the worst day of my life. I found out he had a tumor that could not be operated on. I will miss you Sammy (aka Doodle). You are my special helper. I love you and hope you know it.


Tim & Stacy Feltenberger


On December 5, Jessica followed her life-long companion Alex over the Rainbow Bridge.

For the last eight and a half years Jessica had been a distinctive member of our family. You couldn’t exactly call her our “good” dog (that was Alex), but you could honestly say that she was the best and most loyal furry friend anyone could ever ask for. In her youth, Jessica would regularly be found atop our dining room table, seeking all food remnants left after a meal. For years she menaced our Princeton neighbors with her 5am wake up calls at the back fence, and she buried so many of our socks and underwear in the backyard that a contractor hired to dig out a new patio once said “If I had that much underwear in the yard I’d have none in my dresser.”

She was truly a charming hound!

Jessica spent the last year of her life living in NYC, making lasting impressions on all her neighbors — both man and beast! Jessica slowed down quite a bit in the past year, but she still loved a good belly rub, a long snuggle, and all the food that our two-year-old could toss her from his plate. A true food thief to the end, her final meal was a sandwich she found on the street the morning of her passing. Usually off limits, I let her go for it that day

And so marks the end of the era. Exactly one year to the date from when her life-long partner Alex passed.

If only we could keep our furry friends in our lives forever. There would be far fewer tears.

Rest in peace Jessica, I will miss you and your ridiculousness so very, very much. Aroooo.

The Laskas Family