Bonnie was my baby girl. The most beautiful basset. Alternatively called Miss Bonnie, Smoö, Bon, Bonz, Bonster, Boo Bear, Hooftie, Bootsie Bonnie, and Bonnie Bear by her family members, she epitomized love and joy. She would go crazy when we returned from an errand, feasted on chicken, loved going on car rides with Mom around town, believed our chairs were her chairs and enjoyed singing with Brooke, belly rubber extradoniarre.
Bonnie spent her days chasing the sun – from her spot in the dining room window to the deck, to my chaise lounge, she could always find a sunny locale to relax in. She loved to zoomie around the yard, chase squirrels and passerby, dig and chill in her hidey hole, adventure beneath the deck and through the barn, and snuggle with her little stuffed puppy as she curled up to sleep (on the nights she wasn’t taking up the entirety of my bed!)
Bonnie’s legacy will continue through Bonnie’s Bushels, a garden where we grow food to share with friends and family – doing what Bonnie did best – giving and spreading love.